Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Final #2 Monocular Depth Cues

Monocular Depth Cues

I made use of Mechwarrior Online since it has large walking mechs and variable terrain.

Size Difference:

Here we can see the size difference of both the wilted trees and the battlemech closer to me versus the one further and furthest away.

(read with Aerosmith in mind plz)
SwEEEEEEeeeeet Occluuuuuuuuusioon:

Moment of death! Here we can see a teammate (Im already dead, sob), absolutely toasting a nicely occluded enemy with the building behind it which of course is occluding with the background terrain behind it. So much occlusion!

Lighting and Shading:

Here we can see the nice warm glow of boiling lava (Shrek moment!!) upon the cockpit frame and the walls of the caldera, as well as the shadows cast by the metal structure. I had to ask myself, what game designer thinks it would be fun fighting with mechs inside a volcano, these things have overheating issues enough as it IS!

Texture Density:

This condo friendly view brought to you by the same sick mind that decided there should be boiling lava everywhere...  The detail is evident in the left side and bottom closest to the mech, while the texture becomes less and less the further out the view expands.

Linear Perspective:

The structure in this lvl, (there are way better examples especially the city setting but of course I never got dropped into there that day.) is a great example of the linear aspect of 3D, the perspective created by the ramps and platforms really creates the depth in this particular part of this world.

Atmospheric Perspective:

ANOTHER volcano! These world developers must come from Hawaii or something I just dont get it...  Anyways the sulfer and ash create a lovely haze that is more prevalent the farther away objects are.

Also: the acid rain is meltingly refreshing...

 And me, vaporizing my opponents :)

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