Sunday, August 3, 2014

Silence in the Library

A Noble Endeavor nonetheless

The film is still... rendering will update when done

ok this turned out to be awful lighting but then I udually do interior only and the physics were kept simple - believe it or not this was 500 frames and took I think 6 hours...


I use WIX for web programming - I did the medspa's website that I work in Lexington here

Why I use wix? It is simple and fast, I HATE coding so this was pulling teeth I basically followed some tutorials step by tiny itty bitty step because I have no gift for this nor patience. It's like looking at an alien language from a dead civilization.

Check that, the dead alien language would be more satisfying....

Scrath IT

Practice Work in Scratch, fun for kids I have to admit. 

If you wanted to create your own online cartoon series like Ctrl Alt Del, this would be a great app to use

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Firefox WebGL

Interestingly Enough I had no fails with the apps I tried in Firefox.

ECO-Lapse - PASS, and cool

Indras Net: PASS 

 George and Jonathan III: Pass and Cool

 ArtPop: Pass and Boring

Starris: PASS and wicked fun but needs SOUND

Chrome WebGL Experiments


Have you ever... you know...  'experimented'

WOW a BLAST from the past. Reminds me of good ole fashioned DOOM and PATHWAYS...  
Fun and furious.

Pleeeaasse, I the pwnage I wrought in Doom, you are no match for me.

For those who never played the original, the game was often just like this

I CALL SHOTGUN, .... literally!

Dang IT!


Simple, fun, and actually quite challenging for the arcade perfectionist. Took a little while to get a hang of it but it was fun.


My only final comment is:


Simple app for creating fun and weird shapes using tools/modifiers common is 3D apps like 3DS Max and Maya


FUN AND FRUSTRATING. The physics are such that you are constantly thrusting almost 90 degrees to the side just to keep on the track at high speed. Sometimes real world physics dont translate well into gaming.




So THAT"S how that really happened!


FAIL. Looked good but the game didnt load just a black screen and me helplessly watching my health drop to 0.

That, that is just mean!! This game brought to you by Lindsey Lohan! Because it is horrible!!